US Case

About U.S. Case

U.S. Case - About Our Company

In 1988, a number of veteran shipping and production experts concluded months of research, study and meetings by founding the U.S. Case Corporation.

Why a new shipping container company? Because U.S. Case founders believed then (as they do now) that there is a need for custom designed shipping cases that combine quality, service and price into one product offering. Not just quality. Not just service. Not just competitive pricing. But all three of those attributes…in every single design…every time. Since then, thousands of loyal, satisfied customers, plus significant market and physical expansion have proven that the original belief was correct.

More than a quarter of a century of industry experience go into custom designed, protective U.S. Case transit containers for a rapidly growing list of industries. These include computer hardware, aviation components, hazardous materials, aerospace, military items, musical instruments, sporting equipment, video and audio visual hardware, art and antique collections, trade show exhibits, police and highway departments, health service professionals and many more.

U.S. Case can now provide both single-angle and double-angle construction cases. We offer a choice of 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" thickness base stock in cold press abs laminate plywoods. Many color options are available. This cold press process eliminates any problems of delamination or bubbling. All of our hardware is attached with machine-driven, nickel plated steel split rivets. These provide much more strength than the conventional “pop” rivets used by many other case manufacturers.

U.S. Case uses its own custom aluminum extrusions for both the tongue and groove angles. This provides a unique look to our cases…distinctively different from others on the market. At U.S. Case, we know that mobility is an important consideration, and that's why we offer many caster options on our custom designs as well as our Personal Traveler Cases. We're always searching for new designs in hardware and accessories to make your cases more functional and your life easier. If we we don't currently have a design to meet your needs, we'll design and manufacture a solution unique for you. U.S. Case has extensive knowledge of how to pack and protect a broad range of products for virtually all industries and markets. Our website has examples of specific cases built for many of these along with special design considerations, options and unique hardware. Do not hesitate to contact us about unusual requirements and applications.


In addition to those markets listed above, U.S. Case has built cases for such diverse applications as aerospace, automotive, equestrian, fine art/collectibles, firearms, hazardous materials, medical instrumentation, motorsports, network equipment, nuclear, office equipment, trade show displays, movie/special effects, photographic equipment and many more.

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